27 September 2011

Finally fixed the shader bug!!

Update on the yesterday's releases: the architect view shader is now working correctly both in web and standalone. What that means:

Tab switches between architect view and normal view. The game is paused in the architect view and there is a special menu for it. You can use it to place multiple dig commands to make easier tunnels; when you switch back to normal mode, the robots will start digging.

Keys (after selecting "multiple dig"): scroll wheel makes the selection bigger on one axis, Shift+scroll wheel and Ctrl+scroll wheel do the same on the other 2 axis. For now, the height is limited to 3 squares.

You can in the same way cancel dig orders.

As for the bug, I have no idea what caused it but all I had to do was remove a variable (I started suspecting something when checking the shaders Unity compiled for me and seeing it generated lots of internal variables). After 5 minutes of reorganizing some parts, everything worked, without a clue as what the original problem was.

26 September 2011

Weekly update on progress #6

I have to apologize for being late with public demo (more of a technical demo than a game, but it's a start). Last week saw only about 1% development time for Roobuts because of unrelated life issues but now we're back on track with full time coding.

19 September 2011

Weekly update on progress #5

Version 0.4 is here. Though we tried, the public test version needs two more days of work before releasing it.

12 September 2011

Weekly update on progress #4

As we're closing on our first deadline (IGF contest last submission date), our focus right now is finishing the first version's gameplay. Current version is 0.3.5.

05 September 2011

28 August 2011

Weekly update on progress #2

Current version is and here's the list of last week's most important changes:

21 August 2011

Weekly update on progress #1

Some of the most important features implemented in the week 15/08-21/08: (current version is 0.2.14)